Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Well, only a few more days until spring break! WOO! I am so excited! Im gonna look like a bag lady with all the stuff I am going to bring! lol but thats ok! Just hope i dont get stopped by security when i bring alllll my xbox stuff! =D

So its a rainy dreary day. I like days like this every now and then. Kinda puts me into an introspective mood. Sometimes thats a good thing and sometimes not! haha. I have taken my sweet time doing everything this morning. I just now got out of the shower in fact and still have yet to dry my hair. I just get tired of being on the go allll the time!

One thing I have discovered is that I have definitely grown over the past 4 weeks. I am not even the same person, especially spiritually, since i the semester started. Its amazing how that works. I have definitely learned that my thoughts become my downfall. My mind has always been overactive and I tend to think/work through things good and bad all the time. Or day dream all day. This leads me to have thoughts of doubt, self-pity, worry, and unrealisitic thoughts which then i draw incorrect conclusions from. I am no fully aware of this problem of mine, and it is a constant battle. I am an optimist and a dreamer to the fullest extent, i think because the doubts and the fears and the disappointments are weighing so heavily in my mind. Its like Im trying to compensate for it sometimes. I dunno.. something interesting to think about... or maybe just to me since I enjoy studying the mind and how it works. One thing I do know is that i am persistent with things I want. I dont give up so easily... I have been prayerful about a certain situation for awhile now, and just when I think maybe I have my answer something happens and I dont. I need to stop thinking, keep on praying, and just trust that whatever happens will be for the best, and my answer may not come for a long time. I know all this but how hard is it to convince my mind... hard!

Im not sure what the point of writing all that out was.. haha but I do know that I have peace about life. I know that God is there for me and my family and friends. All I have to do is do His will and keep Him number one on my relationship list and He will provide. Maybe not in the way I hope, but it will be for a reason and usually a better one!

So yeah, tonight we have several volleyball games, which should be interesting since we havent practiced. lol Luckily I wont be playing unless i absolutely have to. Should be fun! I hope the night turns out to be a good one! =D

Anyway I guess thats all the rambling I have for now!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

persistance is a good thing....don't give up! MOM