Friday, February 22, 2008


Hmmm... not much is new these days...

One week until spring break and I am very excited! Although I like a good trip to the beach I will be flying all by myself( for the first time ever) to Texas!!! I am pretty excited, I dont think I have ever hung out with my sister and bro-in-love without my parents ever. I know that it may sound selfish, but I just want some quality sibling time for once! So Im excited, and cant wait to see Jacey either!

So I cooked two batches of lasagna and two chocolate chip cheesecakes last night. It was fun cooking for people! Though I discovered something.... I think my sense of smell is getting worse, because as I was cutting up a fresh garlic, I couldnt smell it at all. lol My eyes were burning tho, so at least one of my senses could detect a strong smell! Oh well.. I just found it interesting.

So yeah, i guess some of my friends and i are gonna go bowling tonight. If we can get it together. haha we can be so unorganized. I also have on more day left in my daily devotional book on prayer.. kinda sad I really enjoyed it. But no worries I have another one by the same author called Lord teach me to study the Bible. So i think that one will be just as good. I cant wait to see what i learn in it!

Well, nothing else exciting to say, I have to write a paper and take a shower before class.. Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hi glad you just popped in on us! I do miss you around here. So glad that you discovered a good author...can't wait to read the book. I am VERY sad and unhappy not to be going with you to Texas, but I am VERY glad that you are going to get to spend some time with Katie and Mitch and Jacey. Love you, MOM