Thursday, November 1, 2007

So at the moment...

So, I splurged the other day and bought Transformers and Meet the Robinsons. Both were excellent movies!!! I highly recommend them!!

Today, I have a short service project with Student Ambassadors and an OPA pledge meeting then class at 6. I actually love this class because it is Child Psyc and the teacher is extremely interesting! I really feel like I am learning a lot from her. And it doesn't hurt that I am making goooood grades in her class! =)

So I had my YV interview Tuesday, and I feel that it went pretty well. I don't have anything to compare it too, but thats ok. It is in God's hands anyway, so I just continue to pray that whatever happens He knows best. I will know by January if I got the job. Kendra also interviewed Wednesday and I hope she gets the job as well.

This weekend I am going to a Ladies retreat in Red Boiling Springs(Spaaangs) with Kendra. Im excited. It is fun going home with her, and I love her family! She is turning out to be one of my best friends here at Tech, and I appreciate her greatly!

Well, I guess for one final thought, everyone please keep my friend Matt in your prayers because he has been serving our country in Iraq for more than year and he is supposed to come home by the end of the month. So pray that everything goes well and that he and his troop make it home safe and sound!

BTW.. Taylor Swift is definitely becoming one of my favorite artists... You all should listen to her songs because she has great lyrics.(maybe it's a girl thing!) =) Have a great day everyone!

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